X-men The Last Stand
Humans and Mutants are alike…
There’re different people, different species, different race share this world. Why bother changing everyone to fit oneself, and not accept them?
Instead of forcing others to be the way you want, why not accept the way they were?
Control your power, or be controlled…
Power can bring upon salvation, or destruction. It is determined by the user…
To those who have powers: control your power, or be controlled…
6 men together, is more than thousands of legion…
Teamwork meant it all. Work as a team, nothing will be impossible to overcome…
Intelligence over bruteness…
Think hard and fast, that’s what it should be. In a war, in a battle, in a situation, a head is not only for a helmet.
Deal with a problem, start from its source…
Instead of solving a problem when it comes, find the source of all problems.
A good offence is the best defence; a good defence is the best offence…
Think when is the best time for offence, when is the best time to stay deffensive. When the time comes, hesitation will bring regret or failure…
Saving your loved ones…
Saving them from suffering means more than saving them from death.
A nice death is better than living in eternal sadness…
Learning from your mistakes
A person who do not learn from his mistakes is far worse than a person who did a mistake.