
我用人生打赌, 你不会没人要.

唉… 昨晚无缘无故伤心…
也不算无缘无故啦. 被人弄 sad 掉的…
还是有人被伤害到. 虽然跟我没什么太大关系,
但是… 总是会弄到我 sad 掉…
结果… 你毁约了…
我只是 sad 到…
sad 你到最后被骗了才让我知道…
唉… 现在在 office 都 sad 到有 mood 打上来…
人, 都不大会珍惜容易得来的东西…

昨天本来有计划好今天要打我的 christmas list 放上来给 santa 看的,
可是… 还是看看晚上有没有 mood 吧…
今天要去 setup pc fair, 所以大概回到去会累倒…

星期六的 steampot, 我看机会渺茫…
所以… 对不起咯回杰~~~~~

纳闷中… 为什么我被偷的 post 可以引起那么热烈的回应…


星期六, 我家进贼.
老爸损失一架 camcorder, 价值两千多.
还有损失一个旅行包. 还有损失他收集了几十年婆婆给的红包, 不知道价值多少钱的现金在里面… 不懂作末, 小偷连剃须刀都偷.
老妈损失她的金链首饰等. 价值也有整千块.
还有她一个大皮包里面塞了很多旧的小皮包. 小偷大概是想偷回去给老妈子用吧…
老爸之前的 money collection, coin collection album 等也不见一半.
另外一半堆在客厅, 搬家到现在都还没收拾好.
干案的时候, 我妹在房间睡觉还没有起来, 所以她没损失什么.
其实也还好她没起来, 把自己锁在房间里面, 不然不知道歹徒他们会对她怎样…
我呢? 我不知道我损失什么.
我的 PS2 还大大个躺在角落, 他们没有拿掉.
我的电脑带去公司了, 所以没有在家里.
其他贵重的东西我都带在身上了, 所以基本上我房间看起来最贵重的应该只有我拿架用 RM18 买回来, 翻版的 1/100 Freedom Gundam. xD
(正版要整百多两百块哦~~ )
我桌面上有一个 5 格抽屉的小 plastic 橱.
里面都装些小小的东西… 结果…
其中两格空了. 我也不太记得里面装过什么东西了.
印象中, 那两格. 其中一格我装的都是一些 key chain 和小玩具.
以前小时候喜欢 "转鸡蛋" 然后收集那些小小的玩具, 过后都被我收到那边去了.
小偷大概是偷了很多 beg, 想装些 key chain 来装饰…
还好我的 小珏 和 黑的man 还在.
另外一格, 我记得我装的都是些说明书.
我 N70 的说明书, dou4 Gundam 的说明书, dou4 那些玩具跑车 motor 飞机的说明书等… 他们要来干嘛? 是不是在别边偷了 N70 不会用, 所以要参考我的说明书??
我扑满里面有几毛钱, 还好没有被偷走. 呵呵~~

老爸花了差不多整千块, 把所有锁头换掉, 还有把铁门修好了再锁起来.
大门装了一个骗人的小 alarm, 放电池的.
大厅老妈还说每天要开着 933, 让人家以为家里有人…
这次进贼, 弄到老妈都犹豫还要不要买新相机了…

(也有人说我从前很极端… 是遗传吗? hua hua hua~~~ )

mittens – carlsberg vs heineken?? I dun drink, 10Q.

It’s been a while since I blogged anything…
Oh gosh, where have my bloggin enthusiasm gone to~~~
Ok, so here’s a big one, to cover many rojak content…

First of all, my result for last semester are released.
Not bad, but not good either compared with my first year…
No more High Ds…
Feel sorry for Zoddy and Daphy… haiz…
Shouldn’t have asked them out play play during study week…

Living in Singapore really so stress?
A friend of mine (whom she refer me as a non-sim buddy) wanna commit suiside!!!!
Are PR really THAT important?
Why did she get the work permit in the first place when she know she still wanna study there? And why dying for the PR??
I don’t get it…
Or maybe she really put too much stress on herself…
Maybe it’s because I do not have any experience "surviving" in sg, but I think m’sia is not bad a place to live in… It’ll be perfect if here aren’t any stupid      (insert race here)     and stupid      (insert politicians here)     .

The concert yesterday was SUPERB!!!!
坤成 seem like… er… not as good as they were in our times…
And FYWO now… weweet~~~~
So damn pro now~~~~
So relieve to see all those junior trumpeters so pro now.
They are only s2 j3, but I think they are far superior than me in s3 time.
They still have one more year to go, so gambate!!!!
But I’m a bit worried about the numbers of members in band.
The concert now, FYWO numbers are so few compared with 坤成.
And FYWO even added in some alumni and foreigners.
Oh well… I’m old now, can’t do anything~~
I can’t even play a trumpet now (maybe).
I can’t even read a score very well.
But I still remember the 指法~~~ hua hua hua~~~
FYWO~~~ happy Taiwan-ing~~~~
I wanna go too~~~~

I’ve been doing web hosting business recently.
If anyone is interested in having your own website, can come nudge me~~~
I’m working on the website for this business,
so for now, I can only MSN the details to you.
When my website is done, I will put the link here~~~
So… very cheap web hosting~~~~
lai lai lai~~~

Image from wikipedia
A very complicated, hard to understand movie…
But worth thinking…
From what I’ve learn from wikipedia, it was actually a remake of the movie "The Day The Earth Stood Still" in 1951. Although the plot isn’t exactly the same, but it’s similar. And the message to bring to us, inhabitants of earth, is the same.
Worth a watch, but not worth going to cinema to watch… duh.

No… I still hate you…

beeboo beeboo

早上, 老爸载老妈去 bus station, 老妈要去 Port Dickson 玩, 跟小妹还有舅舅他们全家. 她上 bus 了过后, 我和老爸就回去 office 做工了.
我今天中午有约, 正当我要出门的时候…
WTF!!!! 真的是很突然一下的咯~~~~
没办法, 所以就把约会 postpone 掉, 带他去…
一路上… 看他几痛苦一下的… 很担心啊~~~
去到医院… 又好了. 不懂搞什么鬼. = =u
然后… 就非常非常突然的, 医生说可能要住院.
等到花儿都说谢谢了… 才确定住院…
所以我就跑大老远回去帮他把 lappy 带过去给他, 然后才去赴约…
可是… 已经傍晚了…
that 约会是另外一个故事了, 不在这边讲…
完了可以回家了, 我还要回家拿衣服和日用品那些带去给我住院的老爸…
很远很远啊… 而且又很爱睡了…
来来去去, 我一天内用了 20 块钱的油车. 早上才刚打的, 晚上又空了…

隔天, 才出发不到一天的老妈要赶回来…
而且, 住院就一定是很严重要死了的吗?
老妈赶到回来, 老爸都要出院了…
= =u
要不是出院手续, 那个保险公司不懂搞什么飞机,
老妈还没有到新山, 老爸已经可以回到公司去做工了咯~~~

所以, 这个故事告诉我们,
住院不一定是大事… 请大家不要太紧张…
= =u

Finally, we’ve met.

In a rushy night… duh.
Ok, I admit. It was me who was rushing…
I was late for concert that time. Neo is rushing me for makan.
So? Just stay for a while, and leave after some minutes…
Thanks for the birthday pig~~~~ although that day isn’t my birthday, yet.
Too bad, I dun have the habit of hanging things on my hp,
so… it can only stay under those 2 Sri Kembangan piggies.

2nd time we’ve met.
It’s a date. but I’m late again…
and this time, 4 hours. omg~~~
Watch movie, makan, walk, talk, and go home.
After this one date, I found out that…
It’s like we’ve been living in two different worlds…
There’re so many things you’ve not been thru before.
There’re so many fun things, good things outside,
but… you just too afraid to expose yourself.
Your world is so… tiny.

Why am I so disappointed?

Open Ceremony

yea yea, 回来其实有一个星期多了.
美里朋友都知道我回来了, 但是我还没对新山朋友们正式 "宣布" 我回来了的消息.
好… 来了…
我回来了 !!!~~~~~~
欢迎欢迎~~~~  (piak piak piak piak…)

也真是的, 前几天其实也发生了不少事情的,
但是… aiyak~ 没什么 update 到.
太忙了, 太累了, 太懒惰了.

okok, 开幕完毕,
to be continued…

Badly structured post

Just another half normal day…
Half day are abnormal!!!! lol~~~
I got free tickets for er… an unknown concert. haha, so go lor~
Quite sad de, I have no gf to date with… have to ask for a brother to go together… Sad lar, we two 同舟共济…
After reach there, only see that… wow~~~ human mountain human sea.
老老少少 all come 捧场. The power of religion. hmm~~
Yea, no doubt. Today this concert is organized by the Christian community. I’m not that religious, only that I have free ticket, so go meet up with a long-time-no-see pal lor~ haha~~~
Went to Plaza Pelangi, walao, the popular so hard to find. Too long not in jb liao, I expected popular to be… er… popular? And it actually at the top floor, with such small entrance… duh.
Too bad I was in rush. Arrrr, shouldn’t have went out so late. Out of expectation eh, I though it would be fast… haiz. Sorry ya Neo. And… bye bye my precious harddisc… (sob)… I will pick you up soon.
My bad. too rush, doesn’t have the time to spend there… how about a date someday later?
Their jazz band… not that jazzy eh. Teacher Guo’s jazz concept 果然 still not so good. The beat are all wrong, should be 24beat he clap 13beat, should be upbeat they play downbeat. duh… The guitar out of tune…
Middle session, the schedule was something about a talk from the pastors, so… we sneaked out~~~ haha. Not really interested in their religious talk, so we went for slurpies in 7-11. And then later peeked at ShaoYun below. They din notice my presence eh? :P
Ever heard of Christmas song, in Chinese? I still prefer the original English version…
After the concert, we just plan to go for a drink… mana tau we joined WeiSong, they… makan… with all other performers… so paiseh man… and they even treat us… Alamak~~~ shouldnt have joined them…

Exam Aftermath (Part 3)


22nd… We booked someone for her noon time, but… We actually have no plans in mind. Haha~~~ Group of freestylers~~~
Morning, we went to some faraway place, had our faraway breakfast.
Zoddy said their prawn is    (insert compliments here)    , so… just try~~~
(Sorry, no photos for this post…)
The prawn er… looks dirty, haha~~~
But it’s okay lar, not bad delicious de. hmm~~~

We have no plan, a group of freestyler I just said.
So we just went to esplanade beach. See crab… duh~
Looking at the waves, feeling the wind, really brings back memories…

Bang bang bang~~~
Jump jump jump~~~
Throw throw throw~~~

Cheese cheese cheese~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
count bird. (one)

This concludes our day.
Black skin b’day eve~~~ lol~~~

23rd I think no need to be continued…
so… no more to be continued~~~
~~~ End of Exam Aftermath ~~

Exam Aftermath (Part 2)

Continued from Exam aftermath

21st, we went to Borneo Rainforest.
When we reach Lambir, their entrance was like, wow~~~~
but when we reach Borneo entrance… their entrance is like…
WTF!!~~~ are we in the right place???
The jaga sell the tickets, the guard house is the ticket booth…
And… IT "ROCKS" !!!!
Well, we’re here already. So…
We had a tour guide to guide us thru their lower part of the forest…
We walked past their "zoo", with just some cute lil rabbits, a peacock, some chickens and some ugly ducklings… That’s it.
Then we tumpang their small train and drive past their orchard, which has one tree for each kind of fruits… duh. I though it’ll be an orchard full of fruity trees, but er… well… no comment…
Their waterfall is COOL~~~~ but… none of us have the mood to jump into water…
What for we bring our extra clothes??? (towel, anyone? o_o )
Feed catfish, or rather… Attack them with their feed… was quite an experience… x_x
After their buffet lunch (the tea smell and taste weird…), we went for jungle trekking. Track 2 which has around 1km long, although tiring during the trek, wasn’t satisfying enough for me though. Piece of cake~~~ too short. haha~~ But with consideration that we have a… erhem… here, so we din take the longest track 3…
LEECH!!!! Austin kena 1 on his shoe. ShenWei kena 1 in his shoe, and 1 on his foot. I am pro, can’t find any. Billy more pro, wore slippers and can’t find any too.
Boating on a small lake… Row row row your boat, take me down the street~~~ (Did I get the lyrics correct? Lol~~)
So er… what next? Nothing much to do next…
But we have so much time left. What to do?
We went for snooker/pool/whatever… Lol~~~
My first time ever touching this thing. So noobish, haha~~~
Our last hours, "spent" on playing their indoor things… plastic badminton, basketball etc… Lol~ Noisy team building…
Well then, think that’s all. Not much thing to go anyway, but we still managed to waste all our hours there. Next time Lambir? guess no…
Back to nature~~~~ yo~~~

Painful smile… xD

to be continued…

Exam aftermath

Finally got some photos, so now I can start bloggin~~~ My exam aftermath.

Although my last exam is on the 19th, my exam can actually considered as ended after the 17th ST152.
So? 17th we went for badminton in Pujut court.
Damn hot, and we only got 1 court for 4 hours!!!! for almost 10 persons!!!!
Dunno whose suggestion was that, our original 2 court plan was omitted like this… Well, already past, so juz forget it~~~

18th, we went for the steampot. For more information, read this post
click to enlarge
Since I had already posted things about this day, so… skip~~~~

19th, my last day of exam. 2 hours exam time, I came out within 1 hour.
Went to Boulevard, join my two zhainan housemates. That day was a ‘sad’ day.
For more information, read this post -> 难过的一天
Not much anyway. So… skip~~~

20th, We went to Brunei, a sushi shop named "Escapade". Not much info had been posted for this day (Except for the ‘hate cop’ thingy).
Ok. So here’s the story…
Morning we went to Brunei, had our meal in Escapade. Their sushi was quite delicious de, and the price is also not bad. Not too expensive, but not considered as cheap either (compare with Sushi King / Don Sushi). But their sushi all are big sized!!! Like the normal sushi that usually we eat whole in one bite, there you may need to bite it in half before you can finish the whole thing (unless you have BIG mouth, that is).
I found out that, my family favourites… no one knows how to appreciate.
The baby octopus, I finish the whole plate. Lol~~~
The fish egg, everyone see us (me+Austin) eat that like alien… Lol~~~
This thing is also my lil sis’s favourite. She always like to order this, finishes the toppings, and leave the rice below for us… >.<
After lunch, we then drive to the Supa-Save, its like the SuperSave in Brunei.
First time I see people sell cheese like this, hehe. They really sell the whole thing in pieces, unlike the usual cheese we see in JB or Miri or anywhere else in Malaysia. Reminds me of Tom and Jerry, hehe.
Yar, that kinda shape. (This photo wasn’t taken in Brunei. Just that I dun have the actual photo from Brunei, so I find one from the net which look similar.)
Now starts the damned story…
When we’re heading home… We were stopped by some damned Brunei police!!!
At first we didn’t know anything, and we did not do anything bad or unlawful. But we were still stopped by them!!!! WTF!!!
They say our car glasses are tinted… WTF!!!
Our car tint is just anti-sun tint, not anything like coloured.
There are even darker glasses on other Brunei cars, and yet they let them pass!!!
And stopped us!!! WTF!!!
They bully Malaysian!!!
So… how?
They still refuse to let us go, even though we have an official letter that says our tint isn’t anything that breaches any law. We have no other choice than to tear them out. Haiz… DAMNED BRUNEI POLICE!!!!!!
Our this trip costs us RM1000++
Just because of that KNNCBLJBBQ BRUNEI POLICE!!!!!!
Feel so bad after this…
Feel so bad for Daphne…
Feel so bad for all Malaysian car that pass thru here…
Conclusion? I got myself a new long term target in life…

to be continued…