
看 prison break season 1 的时候, 觉得 scofield 真的很帅.
从一开始就设计的计划, 从他假装打抢银行, 到进去挖马桶爬天窗, 骗老大骗老板骗女人, 到成功让 humpty dumpty fallof the walls…
真的, 很帅.
Season 2 呢?
在 season 1 很欣赏的人只有一个, 就是 scofield.
到了 season 2, 我反而开始欣赏其他人了,
sucre, 重义气, 为求梦想勇往直前.
c-note 也从我的印象中变好了. 他为了家人, 为了女儿, 愿意牺牲小我. 还有一幕是在店里面被打抢的, 真的是很感人. 弄到连店里的人都要帮他.
T-bag, 坏人一个…其实他也有好的一面. 就是他对他的爱人, 一直请求原谅, 请求谅解.
david, 在里面出卖了自己人, 在外面, 却为了义气牺牲了自己.
还有一个, kellerman. 在紧要关头终于…
在里面, 我觉得最最最没有用的还是那个 terrence. 死 lou ka.
很讨厌小 kim.
竟然用威胁的方式逼 alex 为自己拼.
竟然伪装 caroline 还欺骗 kellerman.
真恨不得希望他第一个死. walao~~~
scofield 应该在 cigerette club 门口出出力踩油撞他飞去西藏.
可惜, scofield 心太软了.
其实, 很为 nika 伤心的. 他也为她的爱人付出了那么多…
整个就像是 scofield vs alex vs bellick 的一场斗智比赛酱.
最无辜的, 就是 sara 了.
最看不起那种抓住人家的弱点, 逼人家为自己拼命的人了.
小 kim 是酱, alex 也是酱.
alex 还好一点, 因为他是被逼的…
最讨厌就是小 kim 了.
让我想起一个人. dennis. 就不懂作末…
里面, scofield 曾经有提到一个网站,
告诉 sucre 说, 以后他有什么问题什么困难, 可以去一个网站留言.
wa! 还真的有那个网站的!!!

fish 这个字, 在监狱里面是新人的意思. 40 是 scofield 的牢房号码.
这个留言是 scofield 要通知 sucre 的会面地点.
实际上是没有 bolshoi booze 这个地方的. 是要反过来看.
BOLShOI BOOZE => 32008 1045707
经纬度来的. 详细情况看戏.
在 scofield 告诉 sucre 的时候, c-note 偷听到了.
过后, c-note 为了救他老婆还有女儿, 去自首了, 还有说要帮 alex 引 scofield 出来.
他也不知道要怎样联络 scofield, 就想到了这个网站.
T-bag 那时候拿走了全部 500 万, 其他人分都没有分到.
alex 过后也知道了这个方法, 就假装自己是 sucre, 想骗 scofield 上当…
详细情形, 戏里自然会分晓…
谁要的话, 我只有 season 1 和 season 2, 自己想办法来跟我拿吧~
强, 戏里的东西, 在现实也有. 呵呵~

damn rasict

Watch these video from YouTube
This is what from my understanding after I read from news, blogs, and collegues, and after I watched those videos…
The pegawai of UPM confiscated a student’s laptop, because he claimed that the laptop MAY contain illegal contents. the student, as a first-year undergraduate, din know much about rules and procudure, surrendered the laptop to them. After that, accompanied with some of his friends and seniors, he go and ask for the laptop to be returned by the pegawai. The pegawai, refused. So, according to the right procedure, the pegawai must at least give a good reason for confiscating the laptop, or give an official letter or receipt to prove that he took his laptop. But, as the videos shown, he refused, and tried to escape from the scene. the group of friends then stopped him from leaving, and called the police. The police arrived later, and proposed a closed discussion. Because the first-year undergradute victim is still fresh about school rules and regulation, and not too familiar with malay language, he asked a senior to accompany him inside. They(the pegawai and police) don’t allow him to do that. So, after he went in for discussion alone, they simply wrote a letter to end the case. The victim, of course, not satisfied with the letter, refused to accept the letter, and tried to get out from the room. They tried to intercept him from getting out, fortunately, he got out of the room successfully. The crowd not satisfied with the situation, demanded an open discussion. So, the police promised the victim that they will take care of the case, and ensured him that he will get what he deserved.
During the investigation period, since the pegawai CLAIMED that his laptop contains pornographic content, for investigation purpose, they even threaten him not to return his laptop if he doesn’t disclose his log-in password to them. They ‘advised’ him not to take part in politics, which, as a first-year undergraduate student don’t know at all. He decided to take legal actions against the university after a few days without a proper and satisfying answer.
The representatives of police department and the university, along with the victim and his gang, were asked to discuss this matter. The university proposed to discuss about this issue in a pejabat, but later end up to be under the trees, the victim and his party felt insult and refused to discuss about it without a proper venue. So, the other party then proposed to be a more indoor place to have this meeting.
In the mean while, a representative(heard he’s a lawyer) from the human rights department(sort of), intents to join the meeting, but he was blocked at the entrance of the university by the guards. He advised the guards to stay out of this matter, and, in the same time, reminded him of what he did wrong.
In the end, the university finally admitted flaws, and will return the laptop to the victim.
the pegawai super damn shit de.
take other people’s belonging for no reason at all.
He’s abusing his power! godammit!
walao, and how in the heck can he ask for other people’s password!!!
luckily he din gave out his password, or else, he will surely be accused of having ‘pornographic material’ inside the laptop, whether he got it or not in the first place. How can he just claim other people’s laptop have some illegal things and take away other people’s belonging? He muz at least have some prove first mah, walao!
Not just abusing his power, I think he is very racist.
And the police too. Why closed discussion? why dun allow other people except the victim for closed discussion? the policeman also racist.
Whose fault is all these?
The pegawai? the university? the malays? the society?
i hate malay.
Search for UPM in YouTube, and you can see more…
you can see how racist is UPM…


转自 jbtalks
1. 悅來客棧是古代最大的連鎖客棧。……
2. 超級巨毒,解藥,暗器都產自西域。
3. 平時朝夕相處的人,只要穿上夜行衣,再蒙個面紗,對方就不認識了。
4. 沒用的小角色用的武功名字有很強的文學性和動物性,就是不大好用。
5. 長著超長白髮+鬍子的絕對是曠世高人,和他要拉好關係。
6. 英雄配一把好兵器,好到從不用去保養修理。
7. 在亂箭中,英雄要是不想死,就決不會死;萬一中了箭,那也是因為一旁有大惡人挾持其親人導致英雄分心。
8. 一定要象徵性的打幾下,才出絕招,並噴著口水大叫:去死吧!!
9. 使出必殺技要做很花哨的動作,還要做上一兩分鐘,但敵人決不會乘機偷襲,儘管這是個好機會……
10. 高手都無視萬有引力,到處亂飛且飛得飛快。不過要是趕遠路,卻會騎馬。
11. 大俠套餐:2斤熟牛肉+上等女兒紅。(悅來客棧長期供應……)
12. 好人從不下毒,壞人從不不下毒;但好人從不下毒卻老被誣陷下毒,壞人從不不下毒卻沒人懷疑他。
13. 大俠想顯示自己的修為,往往會撿起一根樹枝將不知天高地厚的小角色打敗,後來悅來客棧開始供應樹枝……
14. 在一條筆直的街道被人追殺,儘管有很多事要做,但弄翻兩旁的小攤是最重要的!
15. 好人用暗器是形式所逼,多才多藝,一擊必中;壞人用暗器是卑鄙無恥,旁門左道,扔死了都扔不中……
16. 壞人千心萬苦扔中了,還會被好人忍著巨痛放倒,並噴著口水大叫:卑鄙!
17. 會有絕世佳人救起中暗器的英雄,日不久也生情……
18. 當時社會治安不好,人人佩帶危險器械……
19. 菜市場殺豬的絕對是胖子!!!!!
20. 絕世神兵被麻布一層一層裹緊,絕世神人也被麻布一層一層裹緊……
21. 主角一生坎坷或是一帆風順,一生坎坷的會坎坷到死,一帆風順的從不買彩票……
22. 所有人都很有錢,銅板很少出現,一張一張的銀票比草紙還便宜。
23. (悅來客棧的)店小二知識淵博,有問(+錢)必答!
24. 有錢人姓金,錢;窮人叫二狗。好人壞人偽君子一聽名字就知道。
25. 少林寺就 1 個方丈(老和尚那種 8 算)和 1 個徒弟厲害,其他都很菜。
26. 練秘笈要分性別,別如男的,女的,男女混合的,不男不女的……
27. 很喜歡在酒樓(悅來客棧)裏鬧事,先掀桌子,再摔椅子,最後才火拼。
28. 有時候可以一劍劈掉巨石,有時候卻劈不掉一張八仙桌。
29. 英雄都很帥,大反派也很帥,龍套長相鮮明~
30. 經典臺詞:A:在下***,江湖人稱****。B:原來是***,久仰久仰。A:不敢當不敢當……
32.打擂時,一定是翻個跟頭上去的,再用 30 條的經典臺詞……
33. 螳螂拳經久不衰,太極拳只有 2 個人會……
34. 少林圖書館經常失竊……
35. 儘管高手可以用鼻子聞到敵人的氣息,但在被偷聽時,只有對方碰翻了什麼東西才能察覺。
36. 被察覺的人往往在快被追上時扔閃光彈,並在這一段時間逃的比平時快10倍。
37. 都喜歡假死。
39. 一下暴雨就會打並且只打一個雷。
40. 團體組合流行:(如)四大門派,四大金鋼等等……
41. 拔劍時,有時會有劍氣,有時會拔不出來……
42. 朝廷的大將軍是坨屎,公公才是高手。
43. 總有那麼一本書,劍,玉讓人搶。
44. 擁有比網路更快的傳播方式………………嘴!
45. 沒見過有誰上廁所,要是有的話,那是因為被下了瀉藥…
46. 妓院都是怡紅院(我懷疑是悅來集團的子公司……)。
47. 髮型高度定型,甩一甩就恢復(用潘婷的?)
48. 要麼從小習武,要麼從不習武,否則是成不了大器的。
49. 大俠勝利的方式只有 2 種:一招搞定或 100,200,300 招搞定……
50. 美女到處都是,這是最鬱悶的……


终于, 小宫的动画看完了…
可以开始看 Prison Break 了!!!
提升 windows vista 速度的.
详细资料请参考我的 blogspot.
我发现我真的是越来越 ‘电脑’ 了.
做事情, 想事情都很电脑化.
就…给我一个 instruction, 我真的是很 follow 的那种.
给我一个 instruction, 我就做一个, 不会做多不会做少.
做完了也不会出声, stop 在那边等下一个 instruction.
给我知道一件事情了, 像是发生了一样事情,
then 我就只 save 那件事情而已. 不会继续往后果还是下文追问下去…
So that’s a typical IT guy…I guess..

meet the spartans

super gao siao. hahaha~~~~
walao, ini rojak show la,
一开始就看到 happy feet shit!
walao, 在那种冰天雪地, 还有什么 subway burger.
最 alamak 就是有 [in case of penguin attack]!!.
很废的叻, 哇唠!!
‘we muz seek the oracle’…那个 oracle 竟然是 ugly betty!!!
还什么 ‘save the cheerleader. save the world’…
超级熟悉的, heroes 里面的一句话. 哈哈哈哈!!!
first war = bia 街舞
second war = 互相骂对方老母
third war 还终于带了 30 thousand 的军队, 原来是用 blue screen 做的!
还 grand theft, 还 ghost rider 叻. walaoeh~~~
还有一个经典, spider man vs sandman,
用 vacuum cleaner 就赢了!!!
zomok 当年 spiderman 不用这招? 酱辛苦打. 哈哈~~~
那个 pit of death 就很烦, 在那边一直很浪费时间, 很无聊酱.
那些兵真的是很笨的, 老大被踢下去了还跑去边沿给人踢,
老二被踢了又一个跑去同样的地方被踢. lol 咯!
还一直出现 american idol…shit sien~
The transformer cube…
xerxestron = teletubies…with plug point. lol~
以前有看过真正的 300 spartans 的戏,
跟这个的故事有一点像 (如果没有那些废料的话).
一个不同点就是, 真正的坏人老大没有死掉,
而是 300 spartan 最后被围, 然后全部都死翘翘.
我个人觉得真的很好笑, 可是那些肥婆好像觉得不怎么样酱.
不懂啦, 也不懂是不是真的不好看, 还是她们只是要爆 jojo 罢了.
last comment…
他们互相 greeting 的方式很…bleh! >.<

fun tests

Found some funny tests here.
once upon a time, a legendary blogger was wanted because of a serious deed he did.
Poster of him is everywhere, dead or alive, in different price.
Many had attempted to take him down, but failed doing so.
So they tried to infiltrate his house, and found out that his house is hardly accessible…
Finally, they decided to dig into it.
And found out that…
People tried to seduct him using coffee and alcohol…but all useless because…
One day, they finally found his weakness!!!
They lure him out, poisoned his weapon…
Throw him out into dead city of zombie…
Send him to outer space…
Drain all of his energy…
Experiment on him…
And leave him without food and drinks…
Finally, he is starve to death…along with the others in history…

file request

看来 windows live spaces 很久以前就已经可以 share file 了,
那个什么 skydrive 的, 也没有试过.
我想 share 的东西我都是 upload 去我的 fileden 或 multiply 的…
那么, 我就开个酱的 post 咯,
有谁想要我的什么 file, 留个 comment 在这边.
我有的, 我就 upload 进 skydrive 给你们,
没有的, 我有空再帮你们找.
太大的(戏, game 等), 不要想我会那么好心大发慈悲花我宝贵的岁月慢慢等 upload.
要的话, 装得下的拿 pendrive 给我, 装不下的拿 harddisc 给我.
再不然, msn 见, 我再想办法砍成小小片给你.
这篇 post 我也会放个 link 在 skydrive 旁边.
skydrive 在哪里? 就在右边, 我的 blogspot 下面.


不是魔术, 也不是幻觉.
其实是因为…有一个不是我的, 但是却放在我房间的衣橱, 已经搬走了.
太好了. 又有一个大空间可以堆垃圾了.
垃圾很多. 搬家后的东西都还没有收拾好.
尤其有一箱, walao, 全部旧课本…
有谁要旧课本的? 尤其高二高三的我有很多.
说忙不忙, 只是在 office 玩.
太悠闲, 爽是爽, 但是代价就是穷.
不是我要 hiao 啦, 我是真的很希望新年快快来, 财源滚滚来~~~

Some doubts…worth thinking

1. When dog food is new and improved tasting, who tests it?
2. If the "black box" flight recorder is never damaged during a plane crash, why isn’t the whole airplane made out of that stuff?
3. Who copyrighted the copyright symbol? 
4. Can you cry under water?
5. Why do people say, "you’ve been working like a dog" when dogs just sit around all day?
6. Why are the numbers on a calculator and a phone reversed?
7. Do fish ever get thirsty?
8. Can you get cornered in a round room?
9. Why do birds not fall out of trees when they sleep?
10. If corn oil is made from corn, and vegetable oilis made from vegetables,then what is baby oil made from?
11. What should one call a male ladybird?
12. If a person suffered from amnesia and then was cured would they remember that they forgot?
13. Can you blow a balloon up under water?
14. Why is it called a "building" when it is already built?
15. If you were traveling at the speed of sound and you turned on your radio would you be ! Able to hear it?
16. If you’re traveling at the speed of light and you turn your headlights on, what happens?
17. Why is it called a TV set when theres only one?
18. Why do most cars have speedometers that go up to at least 130 when you legally can’t go that fast on any road?
19. If drink & drive is not allowed why the hell they have parking in Bars?
20. Why isn’t ‘extraordinary’ more ordinary than ordinary?


yoyo, someone is coming back~~~
yoyo, now we can get together again~~~
little red (no riding hood) all fired up.
new year new year, mali mali mali~~~
come come~~~
god of money datang~~~ (财神到)
dang dada dang dang dang! (Do So So Do So Do)
taiwan people, china people, all come come~~
sini panas panas, cannot use your jacket to cover your fat liao.
谁要打我的, 来吧. come come~