
saperated union

又一 ka 要飞了,
而且, 飞到比我还要远…
在平常要是看到以前的朋友, 都会嘘寒一下…
看来, 我们这年代的, 也快成为江湖人士了…
不知道我年尾回去后, 还会有剩下多少人…
michelle, take care oh,
keep in touch.
share a song with you all,
i get it from my housemate de.
Downlaod here. right click save target as


很…懒惰洗衣 leh!!!
这时候要是有谁愿意帮我洗衣, 我一定以身相许…
第一次看人家上课带一大窜香蕉来吃的…笑死我了, 哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈!!!!!!
"oi! 要吃蕉吗?"


今天做了一件很 lakse 的事…
傍晚, 我一心都以为今天的课是 5:30pm,
所以, 一点课完回家, 就弄电脑, 看电视, 睡觉,
四点半才起来, 做四点半的 bas 去.
四点半, 距离五点半还很久,
所以, 去到学校, 还很悠哉去 student service.
差点还想去 computer lab 上一下网,
从五点半的那个 column 看下去…
拿出我自己的时间表 summary…
一开门进去, 就问了一句 lakse 的问题…
"是 engineering maths 吗?"
其实…我只是不想像 choon hong 酱, 以为迟到进错课室…
课很简单, 根本上的就是我们初中学过的数学,
为了点名, 没有办法…
上到一半, 很 lakse 的事情又发生了…
我忘记关手机, 就酱…
不鸣则已, 一鸣惊人 (好恰当的谚语)…
一封 sms 来了, 全场顿时静完…
呵呵, 是我的电话 surround sound 很够厉吗?
不过, 还真没有叻, 呵呵…
就…当作弥弥之音, 什么都没有发生过…
以后, 上课前, 一定要记得, 把电话声音关掉…


just borrowed a javascript book from library,
but…too bad,
live space dun allow javascript in blogs,
if not, i can use here as a practise place, lol~
study here, is like holiday back then.
even more relax then holidays at fy.
i am starting to sleep late, and wake late.
however, my housemates seems like, they have a totally opposite routine with me.
they often wakes up very early,
and go out play, come back in the noon.
i tends to go out by noon and back at night.
oh well, whatever…
i am special in many ways…lol~ 

To all bloggers:

Please be considerate for your readers.
imagine yourself, visiting a blog.
after you click/type in the url of a blog,
your browser goes blank, as it is loading the page.
and so, you wait…wait…wait…
waiting is boring, so you go to your music folder,
choose a song and play it, and return back to the browser.
the page is still blank, so you keep on wait…wait…wait…
you’ve been waiting for a long time, but the browser is still the same,
so you decided to refresh…
after the refresh, the page finally come out,
but…it hangs, you can’t scroll up, you can’t scroll down…
so, you wait…wait…wait…
especially live space users, most people put the photo module on top,
you can see the photos loading, playing the slides,
but…you still cant scroll…
so, you decided to…wait…wait…wait…
but is still the same, so…
you decided to refresh again…
now, the page loads faster,
and the photos are all loaded,
and you can scroll down now,
and…your music suddenly have a noice came out.
you noticed a mini media player beside…buffering…
as soon as buffering complete, the music plays,
it plays…for not more than 2 second, and it buffers again…
so, what you get is,
noises, in 2 seconds interval…
and so, you decided to stop the media player from playing…
after reading the blog,
you scroll back up, and you saw the music finally finished buffering.
so, you turn off your own music,
clicked the play button on it and listen the music.
it was a nice one, you like it very much,
and now, you right click on the media player…
ntn came out…
so…you left a comment to the owner, askin for the music,
but the owner never reply…
this, isnt just my experience when visiting blogs.
well, maybe it is, but…
what i wanna say, what i wanna express, what i wan all bloggers to know is…
you may like your blog very much,
it has your favourite photos,
it has your favourite music,
it records of your everyday life, your thoughs, your opinion,
and what you found, on or out of the www,
and you wanna share it for everyone.
to be on the viewers side,
are they really interested in your photos?
well, you answered, they can leave if they dun like.
ok, now half of your readers gone.
left half, they may wanna have a look at your photos,
or they may have a very good internet connection,
that they are not affected by your photo slides.
are they really interested in your music?
well, you answered, they can stop listen if they dislike it.
ok, half of your remaining readers gone.
left half, either they are here for both your photos and the music,
or they have a very good connection,
that they are not afected by your photo slides and annoying music playback.
ok, you say, never mind, i still have half of half (which is a quarter).
dun forget,
more than half of readers outside are more likely to be interested in your blog,
but not your photos or music.
statistically, let’s say,
70% wanna see your blog,
20% wanna see your photo,
10% wanna listen your music.
in that 70% blog readers,
you lost 25% because they are annoyed by photo slides,
you lost 25% because they are annoyed by your music,
and you lost 25% because of both, you left 25% of 70%,
which is 17.5%.
in that 20% photo viewers,
you lost 30% because they are annoyed by blog loading-time,
you lost 30% because they are annoyed by music,
you left 40% of 20%, which is 8%.
in that 10% music listeners,
you lost 30% because they are annoyed by blog loading-ime,
you lost 30% because they are annoyed by the photo slides,
you left 40% of 10%, which is 4%
add up together,
you left 17.5% + 8% + 4% = 29.5% of actual readers!!!
juz because, your blog is OVER-LOADED!!!
Please be considerate of your readers!!!
you may have photos wanna share,
share it elsewhere, there are many online photo albums,
far more better than your current blog’s photo module.
dun "force" your blog reader to see your whole album of non-blog related photos.
if they were blog-related,
please, resize it, compress it.
you dun need to show a 1MB+, hi-res photos to a 800×600 monitor.
a 640×480 size photo should not exceed a few hundreds of kbs.
you may have music wanna share,
juz upload it somewhere, and give out the link to download,
or juz give some description and,
let your music lovers to search for it themselves.
dun "force" your blog readers to listen to your favourite music.
let them choose, whether to play, or actually load your music or not.
decrease your viewer’s loading time to view your page.
a slight improve in a few seconds, may results in hundreds times of compliment.


儘管生活是有崎嶇挫折, 但你總有辦法克服, 順利渡過! (是吗?)
你遭遇過的措折比ㄧ般人多 (maybe)
你曾經接觸過ㄧ些難相處的人 , 沒道理的規定和不和諧的人際關係 (有谁没有嘛)

你對愛情的態度就像太陽表面ㄧ般熱情高溫 (i dun think so)
要不就是以領導者的姿態出現叫大家都閉嘴 (hehe)

反而想不通為什麼有些人非要有人陪才肯去看電影 (nope, if alone, i rather watch dvd)

你感到自在不論是ㄧ個人獨處或處在人群當中 (not in some condition)
你對你的父母不很滿意但又無法改變他們 (ok la)

不然的話, 你和戀人的關係總是不能持久或痛苦結束


你要不就是個運動迷 (nope)
要不你就曾經嚐試過禁藥 (nope also)

this is from tofu’s blog de,
for those who is interested,
can juz visit here.

第一天 – 孫燕姿/五月天

*right click save target as
下过雨的夏天傍晚 我都会期待
唱歌的蝉 嘿 把星星都吵醒
就是这样回忆起来 第一次告白
尴尬的我 看 爱装得很哲学的你    
你很搞笑 你很奇怪 你头发很乱
有的时候 你 又突然为我的事情
这么说来很不单纯 你陪我看海
海那么蓝 我
你说活在明天 活在期待
我说我懂了 会不会太快
坏的是我发现 不知不觉
你的眼神里 好像也期待
第一天 我存在
第一次 呼吸畅快
站在地上的脚踝 因为你而有真实感
第一天 我存在
第一次 能飞起来
爱是腾空的魔幻 第一天的纯真色彩它总是
蓝色的海 海上的云
云的那端 不转弯 到未来
五月天的, walao, 找到我半死才弄到的.
baidu 那边竟然没有, 为什么呢?
因为…五月天只在演唱会唱过, 没有在任何专辑里面…
原来, 过后才发现, 是有跟飞儿还有五月天一起合作的,
呵呵, 两个都是我蛮喜欢的团体, 难怪啦~
不过…燕姿在专辑 [完美的一天] 里面其他的歌都…
两个 version 我都很喜欢 leh!
虽然是同一首歌, 但是不同的人唱, 不同的感觉.
要我二选一, 还真的很难呢, 所以就两首都放上来咯~
燕姿的在 baidu 很容易找,
五月天的, 你们就感谢我吧~
最多你们也是只找到试听的, 找不到下载的网站的.

Lucid Dream

A brief explanation fom wikipedia:

A lucid dream is a dream in which the person is aware that he or she is dreaming while the dream is in progress. During lucid dreams, it is often possible to exert conscious control over the dream characters and environment, as well as to perform otherwise physically impossible feats.


Tomorrow I’m gonna do a self-experiment…

the lecturers

就因为我很麻烦, 我是问题学生, 有教我的 lecturer 都认识我了.
head of department of engineering first year, 他认识我了,
因为…我跟他要求换 tutorial group 两三次了…当然, 我也认识他.
head of department of science, 他认识我了,
因为, 我是他 software technology 151 里面两个学生的其中一个,
我, 也是唯一的 1st year 1st sem 学生…
lecturer of business information system, 他也认识我,
因为, 我跟他投诉 clash, 他也建议过我 withdraw,
不过最后 clash 也 solve 了, 所以我可以上他的课.
就剩 statistical data analysis 的…
他只通知 geology 的人…
然后 geology 的人就…也全都以为我很聪明, 很厉害, 很神, 什么都懂的酱,
miss 掉了几堂课, 也没有人知道…
我不知, 老师不知, 朋友也不知…(所谓的 "三不知")
老师不管, 朋友不管, 我也不懂怎么管…(所谓的 "三不管")
一方换时间就跟两方 clash…
两方 clash 就要找三方老师…
每一方都至少有好几个课 clash…
(老师也看不到…没有老师会来看我的 blog 的吧…)

what a dream

我发现, 今天跟上次在家的时候一样,
就是…当我早上起来后, 又睡回去 (简单叫"赖床"),
那段时间的梦都很深刻, 很清楚.
不方便讲太多. (因为有掺杂了一点儿童不宜的成分, :P )
不过, 呵呵, 其中主角, 除了我以外, 就是有…
大头, 还有班上的人 (???).
不过, 哎哟! 在重要时刻竟然被客厅的电视机吵醒了…
美梦泡泡就酱 pok 了…
七早八早 (大概十二点多罢了 XP ) 开电视酱大声!?!?
想睡回去延续美梦的, 不过心有余而力不足,
不过, 也因此学到一样东西, 就是…
那种感觉就像, 自己很清楚是梦, 所以什么事情都敢敢做,
(反正也没有人知道, 醒来后就什么都没有发生过).
不过…我还没有强到那种, 可以自由控制梦境,