kanina network reprise

the network is still the same, very lame.
at first i though after everyone went back home,
here shouldnt have much people that will take your line away,
but still…
now, use IE i can never load a webpage.
well, i could use firefox…its a bit slow, but better than none…
what makes worse to worst is, msn cannot use at all.
i can receive msg from other people,
but i can never reply anything, nor send any msg out.
holiday passed 3 days already,
anyone curious how i pass these 3 days?
haha…i just sleep pass it…
oh well, time to work on my assignment now, should i?
hehe…open school have 2 assignments to present,
and now my group assignment leader went home,
so at least, i should do my part first, instead of waiting him back here…
hehe, by that time, i shall ask him drive me everywhere lo~
he said he will drive here next week, hoho~ 

One Response Subscribe to comments

  1. soh

    tomoro…after exam den holiday too..
    but i have planned le..
    this is the difference btw management std n computer science std.
    take k.

    Aug 28, 2007 @ 4:08 pm
