meet the spartans

super gao siao. hahaha~~~~
walao, ini rojak show la,
一开始就看到 happy feet shit!
walao, 在那种冰天雪地, 还有什么 subway burger.
最 alamak 就是有 [in case of penguin attack]!!.
很废的叻, 哇唠!!
‘we muz seek the oracle’…那个 oracle 竟然是 ugly betty!!!
还什么 ‘save the cheerleader. save the world’…
超级熟悉的, heroes 里面的一句话. 哈哈哈哈!!!
first war = bia 街舞
second war = 互相骂对方老母
third war 还终于带了 30 thousand 的军队, 原来是用 blue screen 做的!
还 grand theft, 还 ghost rider 叻. walaoeh~~~
还有一个经典, spider man vs sandman,
用 vacuum cleaner 就赢了!!!
zomok 当年 spiderman 不用这招? 酱辛苦打. 哈哈~~~
那个 pit of death 就很烦, 在那边一直很浪费时间, 很无聊酱.
那些兵真的是很笨的, 老大被踢下去了还跑去边沿给人踢,
老二被踢了又一个跑去同样的地方被踢. lol 咯!
还一直出现 american idol…shit sien~
The transformer cube…
xerxestron = teletubies…with plug point. lol~
以前有看过真正的 300 spartans 的戏,
跟这个的故事有一点像 (如果没有那些废料的话).
一个不同点就是, 真正的坏人老大没有死掉,
而是 300 spartan 最后被围, 然后全部都死翘翘.
我个人觉得真的很好笑, 可是那些肥婆好像觉得不怎么样酱.
不懂啦, 也不懂是不是真的不好看, 还是她们只是要爆 jojo 罢了.
last comment…
他们互相 greeting 的方式很…bleh! >.<
听到说阿沁单飞出专辑 (不是刚刚, 几个星期前就听到了), 就有股 feel 去听听看.
经过三两天的 BT 下了他的整个专辑, 听了后是有点失望的…
阿沁…也还不够资格称上我的偶像吧…所以, 我还是保持无偶像论.
全辑十一首, 只有几首称得上普通, 没有一首值得我留恋的…
比起我心目中最喜欢的那首, 也是他唱的, 他的第一首歌 <消失>,
这十一首, 比较像是…为了出专辑而出的…
也难怪啦, 评的都是他的歌迷…
FIR 在我心目中算是半偶像半实力派吧,
而他, 阿沁…没什么实力…
还是弹 guitar 适合他吧, 唱歌就…还得靠别人呢…
就像他跟阿飞合唱的 <天天夜夜>,
还有这专辑里面他跟李玖哲的 <记得爱>, 是还算不错的而已,
唯一好听的只有以前的 <消失> 咯!
是有点希望可以听到一首阿沁 solo 的什么歌吧, 用 electric guitar 来 solo 的.
我相信, 他在 guitar 方面是很不错的…

X-men The Last Stand
Humans and Mutants are alike…
There’re different people, different species, different race share this world. Why bother changing everyone to fit oneself, and not accept them?
Instead of forcing others to be the way you want, why not accept the way they were?
Control your power, or be controlled…
Power can bring upon salvation, or destruction. It is determined by the user…
To those who have powers: control your power, or be controlled…
6 men together, is more than thousands of legion…
Teamwork meant it all. Work as a team, nothing will be impossible to overcome…
Intelligence over bruteness…
Think hard and fast, that’s what it should be. In a war, in a battle, in a situation, a head is not only for a helmet.
Deal with a problem, start from its source…
Instead of solving a problem when it comes, find the source of all problems.
A good offence is the best defence; a good defence is the best offence…
Think when is the best time for offence, when is the best time to stay deffensive. When the time comes, hesitation will bring regret or failure…
Saving your loved ones…
Saving them from suffering means more than saving them from death.
A nice death is better than living in eternal sadness…
Learning from your mistakes
A person who do not learn from his mistakes is far worse than a person who did a mistake.